Thursday, January 14, 2010

God’s Plan and Me!

The LORD Almighty has sworn,
"Surely, as I have planned, so it will be,
and as I have purposed, so it will stand.

Isaiah 14:24

When my plans fall apart and I fail to fulfill the things that I desire, no one is surprised. It is the exception rather than the rule that a man actually fulfills his dreams. When you go to the “all you can eat” buffet, piling more food on your plate than you can actually eat is not uncommon.

The plans of God are never left on His plate! When the Bible boldly states that for those who love the Lord and are the “called according to His purpose” everything works together for good, we get a glimpse of genius of the Creator. God can hit every curve ball out of the park! Every “Hail Mary” pass, (isn’t that an interesting phrase?) thrown by God is caught for a touchdown!

The question is not about God’s ability or faithfulness. The question is whether or not I am part of the plans and purposes of God. If I have accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord of my life and been filled with the Holy Spirit, then my life is part of His plan!

Perhaps a good illustration of the life with God that empowers us to make it all the way to the End is a man flying in a plane. If you are in the plane, you are safe from the tornado force winds that sweep past the wings and the oxygen starved atmosphere that would make it impossible to breathe if you were standing on the wing. If you are simply clinging on to Jesus and His Word, but are not “in Christ,” then the storms that come will blow you away. But if you are in Christ like being in a plane you can be at peace and watch the glorious view as He takes you to the heights!

The purpose of God for your life is the flight plan and God’s plane never crashes! Instead of asking God to rescue me from the troubles of this life I must strive to be in Christ because nothing then can separate me from His love!

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