Monday, January 18, 2010

The “O” List!

 "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is beneficial. "Everything is permissible"—but not everything is constructive. Nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others.

1 Corinthians 10:23-24

Vacation and retirement are two concepts that only work in affluent parts of the world. When the daily struggle for food, water and shelter is a full time job, vacation and retirement are not part of the daily dialogue.

A major focus of many in the western world is to plan for retirement and take vacations on a regular basis.

As a follower of Jesus Christ is it “permissible” to take a vacation or to plan for retirement? Of course it is, but the Bible reminds us that there is something much more important.

When I seek good things for myself, whatever they may be, it is not ultimately beneficial or constructive. When I satisfy my own desires I am doing the same as any human being would do. But when I seek not my own good, but the good of others, I discover the joy of Jesus when He took the form of a man and lived among us. The Bible tells us that Jesus would get away for a while to spend time in prayer, but there is no mention of Jesus taking a vacation or planning for retirement.

The only preparation for the future on this earth that Jesus made was when He told John to take care of His mother, Mary.

Today, I am challenged to seek and look for opportunities to “do good” to others. If while doing that, I run out of time to do good for myself I will hear no condemnation or even criticism from God!

Check your TO DO list and mark the entries with an “O” for others or “M” for myself. Be sure to keep the “O” list as long as possible!

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