Tuesday, July 9, 2013

A Bird Without Wings!

Every seven years you must announce, “The Lord says loans do not need to be paid back.” Then if you have loaned money to another Israelite, you can no longer ask for payment.
This law applies only to loans you have made to other Israelites. Foreigners will still have to pay back what you have loaned them.
No one in Israel should ever be poor. The Lord your God is giving you this land, and he has promised to make you very successful, if you obey his laws and teachings that I'm giving you today. You will lend money to many nations, but you won't have to borrow. You will rule many nations, but they won't rule you.
Deuteronomy 15:1-6
These verses reveal some shocking truths about God's view of debt. The first is this: Every seven years the debt an Israelite owed to another Israelite was to be cancelled! That means that one citizen could not put another fellow citizen into long term financial slavery.
It doesn't say this exclusively, but it appears that the purpose of lending to another was because they had a need that could not be taken care of by what they earned.
Israel, as a nation blessed by God, was not to borrow from other nations and consequently be enslaved by them. They were free however to lend to many nations which would spread their Godly influence far and wide!
The United States has included "In God We Trust" on it's money, but has become the financial slave of other nations which would not make such a claim.
If you as a follower of Jesus want your whole heart to belong to Him then work to be released from the debt that you owe anyone else! Do not become a slave because of your desire for more than you can afford! Like a bird who cuts off his wings so he can swim with the fish, you will give up much more than you will gain!
May all that you owe, be owed to Jesus Christ. Amen!

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