Thursday, July 25, 2013

The Smile of God!

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Lord God All-Powerful,
the God of Jacob,
please answer my prayer!

You are the shield
that protects your people,
and I am your chosen one.
Won't you smile on me?

One day in your temple
is better than a thousand
anywhere else.
I would rather serve
in your house,
than live in the homes
of the wicked.

Psalm 84:8-10

When someone smiles it is usually a good thing. Smiles can communicate approval, happiness, joy, peace as well as lots of other wonderful emotions. When a person looks at you and smiles good things usually follow.
When a young man asks a young woman to marry him he looks for the smile. If he sees a smile the answer is usually "Yes." When you bring good news you can almost always expect a smile in response. When you add a smile to almost any human communication the depth of understanding and satisfaction are greatly increased.

Have you ever seen God smile when He looks your way? God's smile makes His communication to you into a personal, warm, and wonderful experience. God is smiling when His answer to your prayer is detailed and satisfying. God is smiling when you praise Him with all your heart. God is smiling because He loves you.

Some have been critical of those who pray to God about "small things." How we miss the point of God's heart and power when we think He is not concerned about things that might seem insignificant. When I stumble upon a nest of birds with baby birds still in the nest, it almost always makes me smile. I think it makes God smile as well.

As you read the Bible and as you go through your day look for the smile of God. When you consider a course of action always ask yourself this question: "If I do this will it make God smile?"
Then fill your day with lots of things that will make God smile. The smile of God is a beautiful thing to see!

(This appeared first on July 31, 2012)

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