Friday, December 7, 2012

Wisdom Not Gold!

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With great understanding,

Wisdom is calling out

as she stands at the crossroads

and on every hill.

She stands by the city gate

where everyone enters the city,

and she shouts:

“I am calling out

to each one of you!

Good sense and sound judgment

can be yours.

Listen, because what I say

is worthwhile and right.

I always speak the truth

and refuse to tell a lie.

Every word I speak is honest,

not one is misleading

or deceptive.

Proverbs 8:1-8

Why are old people often wiser than the young? The answer to that is quite simple. Those of us who are now old have made many more mistakes than the young and have learned "not to touch those fires again."

And of course the truly wise man is the one who learns from the mistakes of others. When he sees the tragedy of the foolishness of other men he sets his course to avoid those paths that lead to death.

But there is a way that is even greater. Instead of waiting for your own stumble or even the foolishness of others to instruct you the wisest man listens to the Word of God and orders his steps to walk on that path.

God will never point you in the direction of hell! His teaching shows you the way of life not death! So as you read your chapter or even verse for today be soberly certain that you are drinking in the wisdom of God and satisfying your thirst on the water of life.

"Lord, I ask as Solomon did that You give me wisdom, not gold so I may please You today and walk in the path of life forever! Amen."

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