Thursday, January 3, 2019

New Life and New Body!

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The bodies we now have are weak and can die. But they will be changed into bodies that are eternal. Then the Scriptures will come true, "Death has lost the battle!  Where is its victory? Where is its sting?"  Sin is what gives death its sting, and the Law is the power behind sin.  But thank God for letting our Lord Jesus Christ give us the victory!  My dear friends, stand firm and don't be shaken. Always keep busy working for the Lord. You know that everything you do for him is worthwhile.

1 Corinthians 15:54-58

When a "Body Builder" works hard and is disciplined and persistent the results can be amazing.  I suppose you have seen the "before and after" pictures of the changes that can happen to a body.

But imagine waking up tomorrow morning with a body that has lost it's excess weight, has perfectly toned muscles and is young in appearance!  That is part of the promise for those who will live with Jesus forever in Heaven!  You will not only have a new life, but you will enjoy a new and eternal body!  It is hard to imagine.

Taking care of the body you have here on earth should simply remind you of the body that will be yours in Heaven.  It will be a body that will not die or ever grow old!

"Lord Jesus, thank You for the hope for a body that will never be sick, grow old or ever die!  May Your Name be praised now and forever.  Amen."

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