Wednesday, January 30, 2019

Safe Space

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Trust God, my friends, and always tell him each one of your concerns. God is our place of safety.  We humans are only a breath; none of us are truly great. All of us together weigh less than a puff of air.  Don't trust in violence or depend on dishonesty or rely on great wealth.  I heard God say two things: "I am powerful, and I am very kind." The Lord rewards each of us according to what we do.

Psalm 62:8-12

There is lots of controversy today about a thing called a "Safe Space."  People, especially college students who feel threatened by the society in which they live, for any number of reasons are seeking a place where they will be left alone and be "safe."

God is the Eternal "Safe Space" for those who follow Jesus!  If you take refuge in Jesus Christ, no one can come against you and succeed.

The writer of Psalm 62 says, "I heard God say two things: 'I am powerful and I am very kind.'"  Because of the power of God you can be sure of being safe in His care.  Because God is "very kind" you can be at peace with Him as well! 

The safest place in all the world and even beyond is to be in the care of Jesus Christ.  When you give your heart to Jesus you find yourself in the Safe Space of God's Ultimate Power and Kindness!  What an amazing place to hide from the World!

"Lord Jesus, thank You for being my Safe Space and the hiding place from all my enemies!  Praise Your Holy Name now and forever.  Amen." 

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