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It was Friday, and the Sabbath was about to begin. The women who had come with Jesus from Galilee followed Joseph and watched how Jesus' body was placed in the tomb. Then they went to prepare some sweet-smelling spices for his burial. But on the Sabbath they rested, as the Law of Moses commands.
Luke 23:54-56
The Sabbath day before the Resurrection of Jesus must have been a very difficult "Day of Rest." Jesus was dead! He was not simply seriously injured. The life of Christ left His Body and that Body was put in a tomb.
There was no Resurrection Celebration on that Sabbath. Even the Romans suspected that the followers of Jesus would claim that He had come out of the grave. That is why they posted the soldiers. But Jesus was dead, and we know of no one who really expected Him to rise again!
It must have been hard to sleep peacefully that Saturday night. The words "Jesus is dead" must have replayed in their minds, over and over like a broken record! He was so young and just getting started in His quest to change the world! How could He make any difference now that He was gone?
The disciples did not know that this is what He came to do! Without the death of Jesus there would be no hope for anyone else! But the Death and Resurrection of Jesus opened Heaven's door for all who would follow Him!
Hopelessness and despair must have filled the disciples hearts on that dark Sabbath day. But a few hours later, the greatest event in all of human history brought never ending joy and peace that can flood your heart, even today!
Jesus is Lord and He is Alive forever!
"Lord Jesus, thank You for paying the price for my sins as You died on the Cross! And thank You, Lord for the never ending joy and peace that came into my heart when You came out of the Tomb! Praise Your Holy Name now and forever. Amen."
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