Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Every Man a Pilgrim!

Blessed are those whose strength is in you,
       who have set their hearts on pilgrimage.

As they pass through the Valley of Baca,
       they make it a place of springs;
       the autumn rains also cover it with pools.

They go from strength to strength,
       till each appears before God in Zion.

Psalm 84:5-7

The journey from where you are today to the throne room of God is the ultimate pilgrimage. The trip may seem like a long one or it may take only a few more days! As we live our lives here, we are like men standing in a long line waiting for our turn to enter into God’s presence. Every day there are pilgrims from all around the world who appear “before God in Zion” as they complete their time here on planet earth.

As we wait for that moment our “strength” is in God! He is the only One who can enable us to hold on to Him because He is holding on to us! Like a small child clinging to his father in a terrible storm, we hold on to God as the storms of life rage. But I am not safe because I hold on to God. I am safe because God holds on to me! No one can snatch me out of His arms. My strength to hold on to God is by all considerations very weak. If my power was all there was holding me in God’s arms then Satan could snatch me away at will. It is not my choice that holds me safe in God’s arms. It is God’s choice and God’s power that keeps me from all harm!

Life itself is a journey from here to eternity. It is a bumpy ride that will end either as you stand before the throne of God or sit in the pit of Hell! Those are the only two destinations and God gave you the free will to choose.

The movie actor John Wayne spoke a great truth when he would refer to someone as “Pilgrim.” Every man is a pilgrim and has been given the power to choose where that pilgrimage will end. 

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