Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Leave Your Sins!

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Zion, how can I comfort you? How great is your pain? Lovely city of Jerusalem, how can I heal your wounds, gaping as wide as the sea?

Your prophets deceived you with false visions and lying messages— they should have warned you to leave your sins and be saved from disaster.

Those who pass by shake their heads and sneer as they make fun and shout, “What a lovely city you were, the happiest on earth, but look at you now!”

Lamentations 2:13-15

Have you ever heard lying messages supported by false visions? Are there people today proclaiming things as Gospel when they are not the truth?

The answer to those questions is: Of course there are! One way to tell if the messenger is speaking lies is to listen and see if he is warning you to "Leave your sins." In other words REPENT!

Without leaving your sins the is no way to walk with Jesus.

Every nation that embraces sin will suffer the consequences. These words ring in the ears of many people on this earth. "What a lovely city you were, the happiest on earth, but look at you now!"

If your life or your nation is in a steep decline the answer is not in a diet and self-improvement class, or in new and "fiscally responsible" leaders. The answer lies in radical repentance and a sharp turn to God! Then there will be hope for recovery. Nothing else will work!

"Lord Jesus I remember what it was like when Your Name was not dishonored in this land or in my life. Grant my heart and the land in which I live the strength to repent and once again bring Glory to Your Name. Amen!"

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