Thursday, August 29, 2013

A Room in Heaven!

Jesus said to his disciples, “Don't be worried! Have faith in God and have faith in me. There are many rooms in my Father's house. I wouldn't tell you this, unless it was true. I am going there to prepare a place for each of you. After I have done this, I will come back and take you with me. Then we will be together.

John 14:1-3

God built a house and that house has many rooms. Try to imagine God's house. Would it be like a Southern mansion or like a skyscraper in the city? When God walks in the front door of His house does He have to duck because He is so tall? I think not. God's house must fit His needs perfectly.

Right now Jesus is working on preparing rooms in God's House for His children who are going to come on that Great Day and live in God's house. There is a television show, which I think is now off the air except re-runs that either remodels or rebuilds a house for a family. They listen to all their preferences and desires and make for them the perfect house. When it is ready they put the family behind a bus and then someone says "Move the Bus" and the family sees their new and amazing house!

When Jesus comes for you He will take you to His Father's house and show you the room He has personally prepared! I have lots of questions now. I don't suppose I will have any then. Questions like: "If there is no night in Heaven and we don't sleep then will I need a bed in my room?" "How big are the rooms in His Father's House?"

I don't think I have ever heard someone talk about our rooms in Heaven. The Bible really doesn't say more than the fact that we will have one and that Jesus is preparing it for us. But followers of Jesus will have a room in God's House in Heaven and I suppose that is enough to know!

Did you ever arrive at a hotel and find out that the room you thought was waiting for you was given to someone else? That is a real inconvenience. But what a tragedy if you leave this world thinking that you had reserved a room in Heaven and you find out it is not there!
If you try to reserve a room in Heaven by doing good things you will be disappointed. If you depend on the fact that you work hard and are honest to guarantee a room in Heaven you will find out that no room will be waiting for you. Rooms in God's House in Heaven are only for those who give their hearts to Jesus and trust Him as they obey His commands and walk in His steps!

"Lord Jesus, thank you for preparing a room for me. Thank you for promising not only a room in God's House, but that You will be with me forever! And Lord, I really like walls that are blue like the sky! Amen."

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