Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Walking by Faith!

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Faith makes us sure of what we hope for and gives us proof of what we cannot see.  It was their faith that made our ancestors pleasing to God.

Because of our faith, we know that the world was made at God's command. We also know that what can be seen was made out of what cannot be seen.

Because Abel had faith, he offered God a better sacrifice than Cain did. God was pleased with him and his gift, and even though Abel is now dead, his faith still speaks for him.

Enoch had faith and did not die. He pleased God, and God took him up to heaven. This is why his body was never found.  But without faith no one can please God. We must believe that God is real and rewards everyone who searches for him.

Hebrews 11:1-6

If you are not walking by faith, then you are of course walking by sight. You only step where you can see clearly the place your foot will land. When you have "faith" there are many steps each day that are not supported by your five senses.

After years of knowing Jesus a man of faith can be more comfortable walking by faith than by sight. When you are trusting your own ability to see the road there is always a "blind spot" than can wreck your day! Several years ago I was driving along a city street going about thirty miles an hour in a heavy rain when without warning a car crashed into the front left side of my car. I had done nothing wrong, but my day was interrupted by the accident and my car was ruined. Neither driver was injured.

If I was only walking by what I could see that day was a very bad one for me. But, if I was walking by faith I could assume that God has allowed that "accident" to happen for a purpose. Perhaps one of us was headed for a fatal accident to a pedestrian just down the road if we had not run in to each other. Whatever the reason I could assume that God allowed that accident to happen for my good as His child.

Never forget that when men of great faith walk with the Lord in the Bible they rarely, if ever knew the whole story of where they were going or what they were doing.

A young couple was ready to leave for the mission field when a warning was issued advising Americans not to travel to that country! The warning came on the day they were to leave. The couple traveled on the day of the warning after asking God to confirm that this was indeed a step of faith and that He was calling them to go at that time!

Remember it is safer to walk on water when Jesus calls you to it, than to walk on land according to your own desires!

"Lord Jesus, I want to walk by faith today. Show me the steps where I should go and give me the faith to take each one no matter what the world around me says. Thank You Jesus. Amen."

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