Sunday, December 8, 2013

Every Day Cross

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Then Jesus said to all the people:

If any of you want to be my followers, you must forget about yourself. You must take up your cross every day and follow me.  If you want to save your life, you will destroy it. But if you give up your life for me, you will save it. What will you gain, if you own the whole world but destroy yourself or waste your life?

Luke 9:23-25

Jesus told the people who had not yet decided to follow Him that if they made that decision there would be a "Cross Every Day." Now I like to think of the Cross as a once in a lifetime event. That is what it was for Jesus. So why does Jesus say that I must take up my cross every day?

Perhaps we have the wrong idea of what "my cross" is all about. I have always thought of my cross as a personal burden and a place of suffering in this life. And so it is, but it is more, much more. The Cross is the place where Jesus died, and my cross is the place where I die daily to this world! Without my "Every Day Cross" I have no means of escaping the pull of this world!

Somewhere the Bible talks about being "Crucified with Christ." The crucifixion of Jesus was not a "spectator sport." Certainly Jesus died for us, but we also die with Him!

Remember, your daily cross is not just something you must endure. Your cross is your daily death to this world and everything in it. Unless you die with Jesus, you will not live with Jesus.

"Lord Jesus thank you for dying for me, but also letting me die with You. Help me today to see my cross as the way You have provided for me to follow in Your steps. And may You be praised forever. Amen."

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