Wednesday, December 4, 2013

Live Like Jesus Did

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When Jesus was alone praying, his disciples came to him, and he asked them, “What do people say about me?”

They answered, “Some say you are John the Baptist or Elijah or a prophet from long ago who has come back to life.”

Jesus then asked, “But who do you say I am?”

Peter answered, “You are the Messiah sent from God.”

Jesus strictly warned his disciples not to tell anyone about this.

Luke 9:18-21

What was it like to be alone with Jesus and His disciples? We struggle to know the divinity of Jesus but I sometimes have to work even harder to see Jesus as a human being. I want to be like Jesus in His "Godliness" but really never think of being like Jesus as a man.

The Bible says that Jesus was tempted in every way like I am tempted. Suffering through temptation is a problem for my flesh, not my spirit. When Jesus was tempted to sin, it was His humanity that felt the pull of sin and the pain of saying no to the temptation.

Did Jesus ever need to say "I'm sorry" to His mother? Jesus never sinned, but did He ever offend even those He loved? Jesus never repented or needed to repent, but we know His mother may have been hurt by His comments at the wedding where He turned water into wine. And don't forget about the time she wanted to see Him and He seemingly turned her away. I wonder what His private words to His mother were after those two events.

Remember when Jesus was a boy and after having been lost from his parents for three days He simply said "I must be about my Father's business." How did Joseph feel about those comments. I can't imagine that there was not a private conversation with Jesus and His earthly father about God and His role in the life of Jesus.

Of course we must be like Jesus as we minister, preach, reach out to the sick and homeless, but we must also be like Jesus when He was praying alone.

"Lord Jesus, teach me what it is to be like you on my day off. I want to live every minute of the life that I have left as You would have lived it. May the Holy Spirit lead me in the great moments, but also in the quiet times of being alone with You. Lord as You prepare me to live with You forever in Heaven show me how to live as You did every day on this earth. Praise Your Name forever. Amen."

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