Sunday, January 1, 2017

Only One New Year's Resolution!

You will live forever! Years mean nothing to you. Don't cut my life in half!  In the beginning, LORD, you laid the earth's foundation and created the heavens.  They will all disappear and wear out like clothes. You change them, as you would a coat, but you last forever.  You are always the same. Years cannot change you.  Every generation of those who serve you will live in your presence.

Psalm 102: 24 - 28

Many people make New Year’s Resolutions every January 1.  It is a good time to list the changes you want to make in your life during the coming year.  For Christians some of the more common ones might include: More time in Bible study and prayer.  Consistently avoiding a sin that has been difficult to conquer.  And of course, lose weight and get in shape are on almost everyone’s list, at least in the affluent Western world.

Did you know that God never makes New Year’s Resolutions?  The reason is simple: God does not change, because He does not need to change!  God is not getting better and better every year.  God is perfect, and that perfection was and is and always will be!  

Don’t forget that your righteousness and perfection come from Jesus Christ, not from successful New Year’s Resolutions.  Let the love of Jesus change you in the ways that you need to be changed, so that He will get the glory for the person you become.  

Truthfully, for a follower of Jesus there is only one New Year’s Resolution that is necessary!  Resolve to be more yielded to the leading of the Holy Spirit in your life and to be more willing to do the Will of Jesus every day!  That one will cover everything else that is necessary!

“Lord Jesus, I do resolve today to let You truly be the Lord of my life, today and everyday as long as I live!  May You Jesus be praised forever.  Amen.”

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