Thursday, June 6, 2019

I Met the Serpent in My Garden

"I invite the whole world to turn to me and be saved. I alone am God! No others are real. I have made a solemn promise, one that won't be broken: Everyone will bow down and worship me. They will admit that I alone can bring about justice. Everyone who is angry with me will be terribly ashamed and will turn to me.

Isaiah 45:22-24

Hell is not the enemy camp of Satan! There will not always be a war of Good vs Evil that rages across the cosmos. Hell will be a place where men and women who rejected Jesus, and although ultimately bowed the knee to Almighty God and worshipped Him, will spend Eternity, separated from God.

The power of Satan will come to a complete end. No longer will he speak enticing words, seeking to turn men’s hearts away from God. The war between Good and Evil will be over.

It is indeed hard to imagine what it will be like to live with only pure thoughts and no temptation to sin. I suppose the closest we can get to understanding that is remembering what it was like to be a very small child. I do remember thinking “everyone was nice” and I couldn’t imagine that anyone had evil motives in what they did. But then I met the serpent in my garden and joined the rest of humanity in stepping into the “knowledge of good and evil.” In today’s world that tree grows everywhere and even little children are eating the fruit as they join lost humanity on the road to Eternal destruction!

Remember, if you spend Eternity in Hell you will certainly know why and you will regret that you rejected Jesus Christ! But if you still have even one breath left, you can turn to Jesus and give your heart to Him! Then you simply ask Him to tell you what to do every minute of every day for the rest of your life here on earth.

“Lord Jesus, I want to worship You today and never stop as long as there is forever! May Your Holy and Righteous Name be praised throughout Eternity, Amen.”

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