Monday, May 28, 2012

Consider Yourself Warned!

Listen to this blog.

Ezekiel, son of man, warn your people by saying:
Someday, I, the [Lord], may send an enemy to invade a country. And suppose its people choose someone to stand watch  and to sound a warning signal when the enemy is seen coming.

If any of these people hear the signal and ignore it, they will be killed in battle. But it will be their own fault, because they could have escaped if they had paid attention.

But suppose the person watching fails to sound the warning signal. The enemy will attack and kill some of the sinful people in that country, and I, the [Lord], will hold that person responsible for their death.

Ezekiel, I have appointed you to stand watch for the people of Israel. So listen to what I say, then warn them for me. When I tell wicked people they will die because of their sins, you must warn them to turn from their sinful ways. But if you refuse to warn them, you are responsible for their death.

Ezekiel 33:2-8

My mother would warn me in the winter that if I didn't wear a coat when I went outside I might "catch my death of a cold." It was an "old wives tale" that was not based on scientific evidence. There is no known link between being cold and getting a cold. Colds are caused by viruses not by the weather.

Throughout history God has warned men and women that death is caused by sin. In fact, death is the ultimate consequence of sin. But in our Satan inspired arrogance we have decided that the link between sin and death is just another "old wives tale." We legislate to make sin a legal thing to do. We spend vast amounts of money on scientific research to find a cure for illnesses that result from sin.

The final impact of sin on your life will not be felt here on earth, no matter how sinful you have been here. And even if men develop the perfect vaccine against the consequences of sin in the here and now, it will not work in eternity.

There is only one way to avoid the death that comes from sin. That way is the Way of Jesus on the Cross. Jesus paid the price for all of your sins when He suffered and died.

If you understand what Jesus did for you, consider yourself warned!

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