Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Free to be a Slave!


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I looked and saw heaven was open, and a white horse was there. Its rider was called Faithful and True, and he is always fair when he judges or goes to war.

He had eyes like flames of fire, and he was wearing a lot of crowns. His name was written on him, but he was the only one who knew what the name meant.

The rider wore a robe that was covered with blood, and he was known as “The Word of God.”  He was followed by armies from heaven that rode on white horses and were dressed in pure white linen.  From his mouth a sharp sword went out to attack the nations. He will rule them with an iron rod and will show the fierce anger of God All-Powerful by trampling the grapes in the pit where wine is made.

On the part of the robe that covered his thigh was written, “KING OF KINGS AND LORD OF LORDS.”

I then saw an angel standing on the sun, and he shouted to all the birds flying in the sky, “Come and join in God's great feast!

You can eat the flesh of kings, rulers, leaders, horses, riders, free people, slaves, important people, and everyone else.”

Revelation 19:11-18

When it comes to the judgment of God is does not matter who you are or whether or not you are a slave or free.

We have put freedom on a pole and lifted it high as a goal for all men. And of course it is wonderful to be free to live and have the ability to choose the course of your life. It is the rare individual who would choose slavery over freedom. Wars have been fought to free slaves from their captivity.

But if you want to be a follower of Jesus the only way to do that is to give up your freedom to live as you choose and become the slave of Jesus. It is the part of the Gospel that lovers of freedom find most offensive. Doesn't Jesus want me to be happy? Doesn't Jesus want me to be free? Of course Jesus wants you to be happy and to be free from the slavery of sin and it's consequence of death. But the only way you can be happy and free from sin is to be the slave of Jesus.

When you are Christ's slave your arms move where His would move, your thoughts go where His go, your words are the Words of Christ, and His love flows through you to everyone you meet. As a slave of Jesus you are free to be the Hand of God on this earth. It is a freedom far beyond any other and a slavery filled with eternal joy and peace!

"Lord, I have lived too long seeking freedom outside of Jesus. Let me have the freedom of being Your slave forever. Amen."

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