Friday, June 7, 2013

No Power in Prayer

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Our God, you deserve praise

in Zion, where we keep

our promises to you.


Everyone will come to you

because you answer prayer.

When our sins get us down,

you forgive us.


You bless your chosen ones,

and you invite them

to live near you

in your temple.

We will enjoy your house,

the sacred temple.


Our God, you save us,

and your fearsome deeds answer

our prayers for justice!

You give hope to people

everywhere on earth,

even those across the sea.

Psalm 65:1-5

There was a man who prayed every day, and he prayed often, but he was not a follower of Jesus Christ. Then the man heard about Jesus and decided to let Jesus be the Lord of his life. When I asked him how his praying had changed since he became a Christian his answer was simple and maybe a little unsettling as well. He said (these are not his exact words), "Before I became a follower of Jesus my prayers were never answered, but after I became a Christian my prayers were always answered!"

The promise of answered prayer is for those who come to God in the name of Jesus. If you come to God through anyone else, or even in your own name there is no promise that God will answer your prayer or even hear it! But when you come to God in the name of Jesus as His disciple amazing things happen in the wake of your prayers!

Some people talk about the "power of prayer," but there is no power in prayer. All the power rests in God and when mountains are thrown into the sea because of your prayer it is God's power that did the impossible.

If as a Christian you pray and nothing happens what is the problem? As your Heavenly Father, God does not withhold things you pray for just to punish you. When you pray for things to simply satisfy your fleshly desire is it any wonder that God would withhold those "blessings?" When you seek and know His will for your life the answers to prayer will flow like a rushing river because you will ask for the best He has to offer.

"Lord Jesus, I want to see Your power work in, around and through my life as I turn my will over to You and pray according to Your will not mine. Thank You Jesus. Amen."

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