Monday, June 10, 2013

Sowing and Reaping!

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You cannot fool God, so don't make a fool of yourself! You will harvest what you plant. If you follow your selfish desires, you will harvest destruction, but if you follow the Spirit, you will harvest eternal life.

Galatians 6:7-8

A farmer who plants corn and expects to harvest beans is really quite foolish. You will reap what you sow. When it comes to putting seeds in the ground everyone knows that this is true. But many, maybe most people expect to reap a wonderful harvest in their lives without sowing good seed.

When you live a life that is dedicated to the pursuit of your own happiness and the fulfillment of your selfish desires you will harvest destruction. But if you follow the Holy Spirit and live your life dedicated to daily obedience then you will harvest eternal life!
In a real sense every word you speak, every thought you think, and every deed you do is a seed that will produce a harvest.

Your life becomes a field in which all of the things you have planted are growing. Even after you turn your heart to Jesus and He forgives you of your sins, there are still things you will harvest from your past.

So as you walk through this day remember that you are planting seeds that will grow, and you will receive the harvest in time. When you are tempted to sin remember that you will be really planting a seed. When you obey the leading of the Holy Spirit you are also planting a seed that will produce a harvest in Heaven! Spend your time today planting seeds of righteousness and not seeds of destruction.

"Lord Jesus, help me to plant only seeds of life and not seeds of death in my life. And Lord I look forward to that Eternal day of Harvest in Heaven because of Your Blood which was shed for me! Thank You Jesus. Amen."

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