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Everything God says is true—and it's a shield for all who come to him for safety. Don't change what God has said! He will correct you and show that you are a liar.
Proverbs 30:5-6
My father taught me many things during the years I lived under his constant care. When he left this earth, now almost thirty years ago he left me with his word. I remember what he said about so many things. Basically, he taught me "how to think" about life. And it is a tribute to my father to say that he taught me well!
My Heavenly Father has taught me many things during the years I have lived under His constant care! When I was a small boy I was taught that the Bible is the "TRUTH." That was a hard concept for a child to comprehend, and I suppose in many ways it is still difficult to understand. I guess that's why someone decided to use the title "Holy Bible" on the cover of many editions of Scripture.
The Bible is not just a Book of Miracles, it is itself a miracle. God committed His Word to writing so that until the End of Time men will have access to what God thinks about everything in life! You can take your greatest difficulties, confusions and sufferings and find in the Bible the Words that calm your heart, give direction to your steps and ease the pain of life itself.
I would simply challenge you to open the Bible expecting to hear from God. When you do that you will find your needs addressed in the Words of God. And like a Good Father He will teach you how to see life itself!
"Lord Jesus, today I need to know what You think about everything I encounter. Your Word is Truth and I need to know the truth today. May You be praised forever! Amen."
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