Tuesday, July 14, 2009

God and Country!

By reading the Scriptures you learn how God wants you to behave, and you discover what is right.

Romans 2:8 CEV

A culture dictates the behavior of its citizens. There are some cultural standards that run through almost all cultures and some that are unique to one group of people.

This verse (Romans 2:8) clearly says that God wants a defining influence in culture. Of course there are cultural variables that are not essential. But there are aspects of culture that either violate or affirm the Word of God. And the ones that reflect God’s Word are essential. When a people turns to Christ it is their responsibility to adjust the standards of that nation to reflect the Word of God.

This is true of a nation, but it is also true of my life. When I read God’s Word and come to know how He wants me to behave, then I must adjust my actions to align them with the Word! If I do not, I live a life of internal conflict and am most miserable.

When I am at peace with the world, I am indeed in turmoil, no matter how quiet my circumstances. When I am at peace with God, I am truly at peace no matter how much turmoil there is in the world around me.

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