Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Garden of His Delight

The vineyard of the LORD Almighty is the house of Israel, and the men of Judah are the garden of his delight. And he looked for justice, but saw bloodshed; for righteousness, but heard cries of distress.

Isaiah 5:7

What does God look for in me and what does He find? Does God see in me what He desires or is it something else? When the plans for me were devised in the mind of God what role did He have in mind for my time here on earth? If God were to show me the “job description” for my creation what would it say?

The gifts that He gave me were not without purpose. The place He directed for me to be born was not without plan. The parents that were mine were not the random choice of God. It all makes sense to Him. The delight of a father for a child is the delight that God has for me. Here is where my mind cannot conceive of God’s ability. Even as God has plans for me and desires that I fulfill those plans He knows for certain the path I will take and the pain I will suffer because of my sin.

And yet God is faithful forever! He saw my sin from the beginning and made a plan to come as Jesus to personally pay the penalty for my rebellion against Him. The love of God for me is beyond measure or imagination. I joined the enemy and fought against all that was Holy and all the while God was planning for my return to the Father.

What can I say about God? I can praise Him and tell of His greatness forever and yet never even approach the truth of His Majestic reality. My ability to praise God is like a grain of sand on the beach of eternity. I say “God is great” but only see a slight glimmer of who He is. I see a shadow of His glory. A man could spend every waking moment of his life speaking praise to God and only touch the “hem of the garment.”

“Today Lord, in mercy and grace allow me to see a few more grains of sand on the beach of Your Glory. Open my eyes to a step of reality beyond the light of this world. “

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