Tuesday, July 7, 2009

See the Lord!

Make every effort to live in peace with all men and to be holy; without holiness no one will see the Lord.

Hebrews 12:14

I can still vividly remember the frustration of being in a large crowd as a child and not being able to see what was going on. I was just too short to see over all the folks. When the gathering was informal enough it was sometimes appropriate for me to sit on my father’s shoulders so I could see what was going on. In fact, when I sat on my father’s shoulders I was taller than anyone in the room. It was great. I could see everything without obstruction.

Not being able to see is frustrating and for those who are going blind, a tremendous fear.

When someone is born blind and has never seen anything how do they understand things like color and sharp or blurred vision? I once asked a girl who had never seen if she wanted to be able to see and her answer was “No I have gotten along just fine without it until now and I don’t think I want to see.”

All men are born spiritually blind and until they encounter Jesus Christ “seeing” is just a concept other people talk about. They usually say the same thing the girl who was born blind said, “I have gotten along just fine without seeing until now and I don’t think I want to see.”

Jesus helps us to see everything differently but what does it mean to “see the Lord” Himself?

When I see the Lord my eyes are tuned to a different frequency, my heart is formed to different shape, my life is lived above the crowd. When I see the Lord it is because I am living a holy life. When I plunge myself into the world with its worries and corruption I cannot see Him.

When God made men and women he put in the heart of every man the desire to look at a woman. Satan has of course perverted that desire, but God is the one who created it in the first place. God’s purpose of that desire is fulfilled in the relationship of a husband and wife.

God also created all men and women with the desire to look at Him. Once you see the Lord, high and lifted up you will never be the same. And you will never want to stop looking. So if you want to keep seeing the Lord, be holy! Without holiness you will not see Him. You may look and look and long to see Him, but if you live in the corruption of this world you will not see the Lord!

Repentance is the first step in regaining your ability to see the Lord! Just do it!

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