Friday, July 29, 2011

Deserted by God!

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About noon the sky turned dark and stayed that way until around three o’clock. Then about that time Jesus shouted, “Eloi, Eloi, lema sabachthani?” which means, “My God, my God, why have you deserted me?”

Mark 15:33-34

In the darkest hour for Jesus, as He hung on the Cross, He yelled at God about being forsaken. So if I am to be like Jesus I may indeed feel like God has deserted me in the middle of my darkest hour, as I bear the cross He has given to me.

Jesus lived with a continual sense of the presence of God in His life. He was aware of the Father all of the time until He came to that moment on the Cross. So for Jesus, not feeling the closeness of God was shocking.

I believe that Jesus was feeling the separation from God that we feel when we sin. Jesus did not sin, but He died for the sins of the whole world. Jesus died because of sin and God turned His back on Jesus as He does on all sin. God does not fellowship with sin. The most apparent impact of repentance in your life is that you once again feel the presence of God.

If you don't feel the presence of God in the middle of your cross, it does not mean that you are embracing some sin in your life. It may simply mean that God is allowing you to become through that experience more like Jesus.

So when you feel like God has deserted you, check to see if there is sin in your life that God is refusing to fellowship. But if that is not the case, then cherish that suffering as another way to become more like Jesus!

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