Thursday, July 28, 2011

Jesus Will Always Remember the Nails!

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They nailed Jesus to a cross and gambled to see who would get his clothes.  It was about nine o’clock in the morning when they nailed him to the cross.

Mark 15:24-25

It was about five o'clock last evening that I stepped on a nail shaped piece of metal and pushed it into my foot more than an inch. It came close to going all the way through. I am a believer that every experience in life, including the very unpleasant ones helps me make sense of life itself and especially of Jesus.

Off and on over my now 65 years I have sincerely wanted to be like Jesus. I want to speak like Jesus, trust the Father as Jesus did, see God's power unleashed in my wake as I walk in faith, and generally come to understand Jesus as I live my life. I never thought that part of that could be impaling my foot on a large nail-like spike!

When I stepped back and put my foot down on the spike it poked a hole in my new eight dollar rubber shoes. Then I could feel it going into my foot. Amazingly, I do not remember feeling any pain when it went in. But when I attempted to take my foot off of it and could not, I began to frantically call for my wife. She stepped on the rest of it while I tried to pull it out. After several frustrating and painful attempts my foot came free from the rusty spike.

As I write this I am less than 12 hours into the ordeal and experiencing more pain that I expected.

Here is the bottom line. Being like Jesus is not just the sweet, loving and beautiful stuff. Being like Jesus includes the incarnation where He humbled Himself and lived among us, and being like Jesus includes unexpected and unwelcomed pain, both physical and emotional.

If all goes well as my foot heals, the pain will go away and I will be able to walk once again without assistance, but I will always remember feeling that spike go into my foot! Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father in Heaven and His wounds have healed, but Jesus will always remember those nails going into His hands and feet! But when Jesus was nailed to the Cross, it was not an accident!

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