Sunday, July 10, 2011

Slavery is Alive!

“The poor are ruled by the rich,
and those who borrow
are slaves of moneylenders.”

Proverbs 22:7

Slavery is still in full blossom in the world today. Yes I know it exists in its' traditional form in some parts of the world, but there is a universal form of slavery that touches almost everyone in the capitalist world. If you are a borrower then you are a slave, but also if you are a money lender you are functioning as a master!

Is slavery wrong only if you are a slave or is it wrong to be the master as well?

In American slavery, which ended about 150 years ago there were masters who truly believed that they were not wrong in owning slaves. The struggle to end slavery was not convincing slaves that it was wrong. The struggle was convincing masters and the society that supported them that to enslave other men and women was not morally justifiable.

In a couple of minutes or a few paragraphs I certainly can't discuss the theological significance of slavery.

But I can give you one encouragement. Even as you strive not to be enslaved by anyone except Jesus Christ, work to order your life so that you are not enslaving anyone else except as you introduce them to your Master.
Listen to this blog.

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