Tuesday, December 13, 2011

The Red Rope!

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Rahab’s house was built into the town wall, and one of the windows in her house faced outside the wall. She gave the spies a rope, showed them the window, and said, “Use this rope to let yourselves down to the ground outside the wall.

Then hide in the hills. The men who are looking for you won’t be able to find you there. They’ll give up and come back after a few days, and you can be on your way.”

The spies said: You made us promise to let you and your family live. We will keep our promise, but you can’t tell anyone why we were here. You must tie this red rope on your window when we attack, and your father and mother, your brothers, and everyone else in your family must be here with you. We’ll take the blame if anyone who stays in this house gets hurt. But anyone who leaves your house will be killed, and it won’t be our fault.

“I’ll do exactly what you said,” Rahab promised. Then she sent them on their way and tied the red rope to the window.

Joshua 2:15-21

First there was the rainbow, then the blood on the door post as the Children of Israel prepared to leave Egypt and then the Red Rope in Rahab's window.

Rahab had received the promise that everyone in her house would be saved from death when the city of Jericho was destroyed. There were two things she had to do. First she had to keep quiet about the coming attack and secondly she had to hang a Red Rope in her window. Just like the blood on the doorpost the Red Rope let those who were sent to destroy know that this house was to be spared. Rahab could have waited until the attack was imminent to hang the rope in the window, but she didn't. As soon as the spies left her house she hung the Red Rope in her window.

Do you have a Red Rope hanging from your window? Is there a visible sign that you have heard the promise of God for your life?

Maybe it would be a good idea for followers of Jesus to hang a Red Rope from their windows today as a reminder of how we are going to escape the destruction that is sure to come on this world.

The spies escaped from Jericho using a rope from Rahab's window and we will escape from this life using a rope stained with the Red Blood of Jesus Christ.

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