Sunday, March 10, 2013

Flames of Faith

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What does all of this mean? It means that the Gentiles were not trying to be acceptable to God, but they found that he would accept them if they had faith.  It also means that the people of Israel were not acceptable to God. And why not? It was because they were trying to be acceptable by obeying the Law instead of by having faith in God. The people of Israel fell over the stone that makes people stumble,  just as God says in the Scriptures,

“Look! I am placing in Zion

a stone to make people

stumble and fall.

But those who have faith

in that one will never

be disappointed.”

Romans 9:30-33

Faith is the foundation of a life that is pleasing to God. When I first heard about faith as a child I somehow thought that faith and believing were the same. They are not. Faith must be preceded by belief for how can you trust someone that you don't really believe exists. But the Bible says that even the demons believe and tremble. I can know full well that God exists and even see His power working in the world around me and never come to trust and depend on Him.

Trust and dependence are the two major pillars of Faith. Remember the story of Jesus and the disciples in a storm. Jesus was asleep in the boat when the storm began to rage. Even though Jesus was with them in the boat, the disciples began to fear that they would drown. When faith begins to fall away it is replaced by fear. When you find fear rising up in your heart instead of trying to be brave fan the flames of faith and trust in Jesus!

When your need seems to be greater than your harvest it is time to depend on Jesus to provide the things that you need. It is easier for a poor man to see the provision of the Lord than for a man who has everything he needs stored in barns and bank accounts.

Don't confuse believing in God and having faith in Jesus Christ. There is not a demon in Hell that doesn't believe in God. But no one will be in Heaven unless they have faith in Jesus! Once you come to believe in God you are standing at the door of faith. If you believe it is time to take the next step of trusting in and depending on God about and for everything in your life! That is faith and that is the kind of faith that will usher you in to the presence of God forever!

"Lord Jesus, it is easy to believe that You exist, but it is hard to trust You for everything in my life! Help me today to take another step of faith in trusting in and depending on You. And may You be glorified forever. Amen."

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