Saturday, March 16, 2013

War, Wisdom and North Korea!

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Once I saw what people really think of wisdom, and it made an impression on me. It happened when a powerful ruler surrounded and attacked a small city where only a few people lived. The enemy army was getting ready to break through the city walls. But the city was saved by the wisdom of a poor person who was soon forgotten. So I decided that wisdom is better than strength. Yet if you are poor, no one pays any attention to you, no matter how smart you are.

Words of wisdom spoken softly

make much more sense

than the shouts of a ruler

to a crowd of fools.

Wisdom is more powerful

than weapons,

yet one mistake can destroy

all the good you have done.

Ecclesiastes 9:13-18

The United States is currently adding many millions of dollars of debt to our already depleted economy by constructing 14 additional missile defense sites on the West Coast. North Korea is threatening to strike an American city with a nuclear missile, and this time the threat appears to have more teeth.

When the Bible says "wisdom is better than strength" and that "wisdom is more powerful than weapons" we are confronted with the missing ingredient in government. If a country is powerful, but it's leaders are not wise it is no better than a paper tiger or a even worse a tiger, escaped from the zoo running loose in a city.

Pray that wisdom will be restored to the leaders of both North Korea and the United States.

But what about your own life? Are you running through life with plenty of power and money but very little if any wisdom from God? Would you rather be a rich man or a wise man? A rich man without wisdom can cause great damage in the world around him. But a wise man without riches can still "save a city." A rich man who is also wise is a blessing to many!

The man with the greatest wisdom is the one who runs hard after God. When you seek Jesus Christ and put Him on the throne of your heart the wisdom of God is daily poured into your mind through His Word and the Holy Spirit.

Judge a nation, not by how many missiles of war it has, but by how much of the Wisdom of God is seen in it's life. Men will be judged the same way. Let faith be your shield. Faith is better than missiles!

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