Friday, March 22, 2013

Watch Out for SIN!

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The Lord said:

Ezekiel, son of man, warn your people by saying:

Someday, I, the Lord, may send an enemy to invade a country. And suppose its people choose someone to stand watch and to sound a warning signal when the enemy is seen coming. If any of these people hear the signal and ignore it, they will be killed in battle. But it will be their own fault, because they could have escaped if they had paid attention.

But suppose the person watching fails to sound the warning signal. The enemy will attack and kill some of the sinful people in that country, and I, the Lord, will hold that person responsible for their death.

Ezekiel 33:1-6

When a soldier who is standing watch falls asleep, the consequences are almost always severe. The safety and security of the rest of the army depends on that watchman staying awake and vigilant.

I believe that every follower of Jesus Christ is a watchman as well as a disciple. When you see danger coming you must not only prepare to stand in the storm, but also warn others of the trouble that is on the way. Being a watchman is hard because you may be the only one seeing the difficulties on the horizon. Everyone around you thinks that all is well and no trouble is on the way.

That is the way it is with the world. Of all the problems in this world there is only one that makes an eternal difference. That one thing is SIN! Sin is behind everything that is wrong with this world. Without SIN and it's consequences truth would reign and the Majesty and Glory of God would be seen by everyone.

As a watchman, you may be watching for all the End Times prophetic fulfillments while you ignore the imminent danger of SIN in your life and the life of your nation.

When you see SIN sound the alarm and prepare to say NO to every temptation that may come. And when you SIN, repent without delay and come back quickly to the arms of Jesus!

"Lord Jesus, give me the courage to warn those around me of the SIN that I see. Lord, the battle is not over, in fact it is raging as we all wait for Your return. Come quickly Lord Jesus. Amen."

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