Thursday, May 22, 2014

You Can be a Light for the Nations!

2013-05-17 06.46.54

Now the Lord says to me,

“It isn't enough for you

to be merely my servant.

You must do more than lead back

survivors from the tribes

of Israel.

I have placed you here as a light

for other nations;

you must take my saving power

to everyone on earth.”

Isaiah 49:6

How can you be a light for other nations?  How can you take the "saving power" of Jesus to everyone on earth?  It used to be that the only way you could be part of evangelizing the world was to support financially or pray for a missions organization which sent men and women all over the world to preach the good news of Jesus if you were not a missionary yourself!  Those organizations still exist and what they do is certainly important, but God has opened up the whole world for everyone who is reading these words right now.

When you write a blog, produce even a simple YouTube video or even make a comment on one that someone else has done, your words are almost instantly accessible everywhere on earth!  The internet has opened an amazing door.  These words that I am writing will probably be read by people in a number of different countries around the world before this day is done. 

The internet has great potential for evil and it does serve that purpose, but the opposite is true.  I can declare to everyone on earth that God is the only true God and that He is powerful beyond your imagination.  Through the Blood of Jesus Christ He has provided for me to be cleansed and made Holy so that I can live with Him forever! 

I can share my own story of coming to Jesus with men and women in every nation.  Surely the invention of this amazing communication tool was not allowed by God so that it could wreck families and destroy lives.  I believe that God moved on whoever invented it to provide another way for the Good News of His love to be shared with all men!

Here is a good way to start.  Every time you find a blog or video that honors God and lifts up the Name of Jesus, LIKE it, SHARE it or just make a positive comment which will be seen by others.  The most common and perhaps the most powerful comment is simply, "AMEN!"  Then you might want begin writing your own simple blog.  Just a few words a day lifting up the praising the Name of God will provide another point of light to shine on the world! 

"Thank You Jesus for Your awesome power to spread Your saving message around the world today.  Amen."

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