The message about the cross doesn't make any sense to lost people. But for those of us who are being saved, it is God's power at work. As God says in the Scriptures,
“I will destroy the wisdom
of all who claim
to be wise.
I will confuse those
who think they know
so much.”
What happened to those wise people? What happened to those experts in the Scriptures? What happened to the ones who think they have all the answers? Didn't God show that the wisdom of this world is foolish? God was wise and decided not to let the people of this world use their wisdom to learn about him.
Instead, God chose to save only those who believe the foolish message we preach.
1 Corinthians 1:18-21
The deep thinking of men and women we call "Theologians" may mean much to those who don't know Jesus Christ. But for simple minded believers who walk daily in the shadow of the Almighty and listen to the Holy Spirit, applying the human disciplines of education to the Word of God may seem at least curious and maybe even irrelevant.
When my brain is fully spent on the understanding of God I only touch a water droplet in a mighty rain storm! But when my heart embraces the Love of God and begins to radiate that same love to others I am experiencing the Essence of God Himself in my heart!
The Bible makes no educational or I.Q. requirement to be a follower of Jesus! There is no need even to be able to read or write. Simple faith and a daily walk with Jesus is all that is needed. Truthfully, even as a lot of money can make it hard to enter the Kingdom of Heaven an education can war against simple faith in God!
Don't substitute your education for your daily communion with Jesus!
A "great theologian" once said that the greatest truth of all is this: "Jesus loves me this I know, for the Bible tells me so!"
"Lord Jesus, help me not to try to impress the world with my understanding of You. But help me Lord to melt their hearts with Your love for me and Your love for them working through me! Praise be to Your Name forever! Amen."