Thursday, June 11, 2009

Let Jesus Tuck You In!

You diligently study the Scriptures because you think that by them you possess eternal life. These are the Scriptures that testify about me, yet you refuse to come to me to have life.

John 5:39-40

One of the great disconnects in our culture is the difference between education and reality. Somewhere along the line we came to the conclusion that having received an education in a field qualifies a man to be an honored and trusted expert. These “experts” fill the airwaves every day discussing all manner of issues. They postulate positions that help the rest of us establish opinions. It is great fun!

Occasionally we hear from someone who instead of being an expert by education is an expert by occupation. This is the man who has been living and working in the field of his expertise. Interestingly, these people state their opinions with more humility because they know the struggle first hand.

Christian culture in our society shares a similar disconnect that Jesus spoke of in John 5. We have come to the conclusion that diligently studying the Scriptures is the path to eternal life. At the same time we put almost no emphasis on knowing and relating personally to Jesus Christ. In fact, we look down on the uneducated who simply have an “emotional” relationship with Jesus.

It may shock you as an educated American, but Jesus has no educational requirements for eternal life! You do not need a grammar school education. You need no education at all to come to Jesus. You do not need to pass an IQ test. God made no man or woman with an IQ so low that he or she cannot come to Jesus!

So how do I describe this relationship with Jesus that needs no intellectual foundation in order to exist?

Go back to your earliest memory of someone giving you a good night kiss as you were tucked in bed at night. That relationship was not established or sustained by education. It was totally experiential. It was precious and hopefully the source of many fond memories. What a blessing to have had someone to care for you when you were totally helpless.

That is how we come to know Jesus! When we wake up to the reality that we are totally helpless in this world and cry out to Jesus, He comes and cares for us.

It is wonderful to know the Bible and through that knowledge we certainly learn more about Jesus. But knowing Jesus as a child knows his parent is the essence of the Christian life.

Let Jesus tuck you in tonight!

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