Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Paul the Prototype!

About midday I saw a light brighter than the sun. It flashed from heaven on me and on everyone travelling with me. We all fell to the ground. Then I heard a voice say to me in Aramaic, “Saul, Saul, why are you so cruel to me? It's foolish to fight against me!”

Acts 26:13-14

When David fought Goliath everyone except David thought the giant would win. It made no sense to believe that a shepherd boy with a sling could topple a giant of a man who was also a seasoned soldier. Of course the story of David and Goliath ends with David winning and Goliath and his army being defeated!

There are those who believe that God is like Goliath. They approach God boldly like David approached Goliath with faith that they can fight against God and win! They even land blow after blow against God and come to believe He will never retaliate since He has not sent lightning to “strike them dead.”

When Jesus appeared to Saul (Paul) on the road to Damascus He told him clearly, “It is foolish to fight against Me!”

There is a war that is raging in the cosmos. It is a war between the forces of Hell and the Hosts of Heaven. Every man woman and child who has ever lived has taken sides in the battle. You are either fighting for God or you are fighting against Him. If you are fighting against God you are of all men the most foolish. If you are fighting for God you are wise beyond all others.

The battle will be won by the Hosts of Heaven! That is promised and God’s promises never go unfulfilled.

You cannot fight on both sides of this war. You cannot be a soldier in God’s army and fight in the forces of Hell as well.

Paul fought against Jesus until the Lord Himself stopped Paul on the road to Damascus. Jesus turned Paul’s life around and made Paul into the prototype of every missionary who has ever lived.

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