Sunday, September 16, 2012

Angels on Assignment

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Keep being concerned about each other as the Lord's followers should.

Be sure to welcome strangers into your home. By doing this, some people have welcomed angels as guests, without even knowing it.

Remember the Lord's people who are in jail and be concerned for them. Don't forget those who are suffering, but imagine you are there with them.

Hebrews 13:1-3

When you welcome a stranger into your home it is a pretty risky business. You have no idea whether that stranger is someone with evil intent or the opposite. These verses clearly indicate that anyone you encounter in this life could also be an angel on assignment. That is an awesome thought.

As I look back over my life, there are a few instances when I think I may have encountered an angel who appeared to be human being. You can probably say the same for your life. The Bible clearly says that angels are sent out to minister to those who are being saved. (Hebrews 1:14)

When angels minister to you, you indeed are blessed, but when you minister to angels like Abraham did in Genesis 18, God is blessed!

Today when you encounter a person you have never met before, consider the possibility that you may be in an encounter with an angel on a mission from God. If you treat everyone you meet as if they were an angel then you won't miss the opportunity to bless God when it does arise!

But don't get so focused on angels that you forget those in jail and the suffering. It is all a part of your walk with Jesus on this earth.

"Lord, help me to treat every new person I meet as if they were one of Your angels. May I be a blessing to those who bless others in the Name of Jesus, even angels! Amen."

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