Saturday, September 8, 2012

Let it Burn!

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I came to set fire to the earth, and I wish it were already on fire!  I am going to be put to a hard test. And I will have to suffer a lot of pain until it is over. Do you think that I came to bring peace to earth? No indeed! I came to make people choose sides.

Luke 12:49-51

When I need to burn a bunch of sticks or even make a fire to cook on in my yard I am required to call the fire department and let them know. That way if someone sees the smoke and reports a fire in my yard they will know not to respond. I suppose that is a good idea, but it is a lot of trouble. They also insist that I call them when the fire is out.

Everyone knows that if the land is parched from lack of rain that even one small spark can ignite a fire that will burn out of control over thousands of acres.

Jesus said He came to set fire to the earth. Jesus did not come to oversee a controlled burn. Jesus wants the fire that He sets to burn out of control all over the earth.

The problem I have is this: When Jesus lets one of the sparks of His fire fall into my heart and it begins to burn with His love I find some way to put out the fire! Later it flames up again and I do the same. Over and over again Jesus keeps fanning His spark in my heart and I find some way to quench the Spirit in my heart.

"Lord, I confess to You that I have continually put out the fire that you lit in my heart. Lord, give me the courage to let that fire ignite again and burn brightly, and then burn out of control. May no one but You be able to direct the fire of God in my heart! May the breeze of the Holy Spirit keep that fire alive and growing today! Amen."

1 comment:

  1. Boy, can I relate to that. The best way I can keep the fire going is to do what I am doing right now. Reading your blog, reading the Daily Bread, reading a chapter of Proverbs, reading a chapter or so of the New Testiment, memorizing a verse, writing it over and over and, of course, praying, calling you sometimes... then, acknowledging God during the day. It's still not enough... but it helps.
    Thanks, Bill.
