Tuesday, November 20, 2012

The Jonah Role!

Look and be amazed

at what's happening

among the nations!

Even if you were told,

you would never believe

what's taking place now.

Habakkuk 1:5

It is indeed amazing to look at what is happening in the world today. There is turmoil among the nations and movement toward a massive re-alignment of allies and enemies. Israel is being threatened in some way by almost every other nation. A great shaking of the world as we know it seems to be at the door.

Many Christians have simply stopped watching and listening to what is happening. They cover their eyes and put their fingers in their ears hoping it will just all go away. It will not!

Regardless of how it goes over the next few days, weeks, months and even years followers of Jesus have a crucial "Jonah" role to play in the "End Times."

Jonah told Nineveh to repent or they would be destroyed! To even Jonah's amazement Nineveh did repent and God did not destroy them at that time.

As you see the world spinning out of control, lift your voice and call men everywhere to repent and turn to Jesus! It is the only thing you can do that will make an eternal difference in these last days!

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