Saturday, February 2, 2013

Do You Belong to Jesus?

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If you tell others you belong to me, I will tell my Father in heaven you are my followers.  But if you reject me, I will tell my Father in heaven you don't belong to me.

Matthew 10:32-33

Belonging to Jesus is not like belonging to a social club. When you belong to any organization most of your life is still controlled by your own free will. If the organization controls your whole life it is called a cult not a club.

Cults are bad, not because you have given over your life to someone else's control, but they are bad because they are not worthy of controlling your life! Cult leaders sometimes ask their followers to do things that are immoral and even illegal.

Jesus is worthy of controlling your whole life. He is worthy of controlling everything about your life. When those still in the world look at your actions they may think that you have simply become a member of some kind of cult and are in the grips of an unworthy leader.

The amazing truth is that we belong to Jesus not because of anything we have done. We belong to Jesus because He paid the price that was on our head! We don't belong to Jesus because we chose Him, but rather because He chose us and completed the transaction for the rightful ownership of our lives. When you choose to follow Jesus you are simply recognizing His rightful ownership of your life!

"Lord, grant me the courage today to tell everyone that I belong to You! And I willingly ask that You control my heart, and mind, and words and actions this and everyday from now until the Day that You return! Amen.

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