Sunday, February 17, 2013

Tread on Me!

Our God, you save us,

and your fearsome deeds answer

our prayers for justice!

You give hope to people

everywhere on earth,

even those across the sea.


You are strong,

and your mighty power

put the mountains in place.


You silence the roaring waves

and the noisy shouts

of the nations.


People far away marvel

at your fearsome deeds,

and all who live under the sun

celebrate and sing

because of you.


You take care of the earth

and send rain to help the soil

grow all kinds of crops.

Your rivers never run dry,

and you prepare the earth

to produce abundant grain.


You water all its fields

and level the lumpy ground.

You send showers of rain

to soften the soil

and help the plants sprout.


Wherever your footsteps

touch the earth,

a rich harvest is gathered.


Desert pastures blossom,

and mountains celebrate.


Meadows are filled

with sheep and goats;

valleys overflow with grain

and echo with joyful songs.

Psalm 65:5-13

When you walk a path every day the ground becomes hard and nothing will grow. But with God it is different. When God walks a path the ground where His feet have trod produces a rich harvest.

There is an Ethiopian farmer whose story is amazingly simple and yet a profound testimony to the truth of these verses. After the farmer came to Jesus his harvest was amazingly greater. He farmed the same, but the results were different after the farmer let God walk through his life and his fields. God confirmed his pleasure with this man by increasing the yield of his crops.

When the feet of God touch the ground even the desert blossoms. There are flowers and fruit and trees, beautiful beyond our imagination.

During the Revolutionary War between America and England those who were standing up against British rule coined the phrase "Don't Tread on Me!" The symbol was a rattlesnake that would strike if you step on it! But when it comes to God the call must be quite the opposite.

"Dear Lord, let Your feet walk on my life and on my heart. May You press me hard that I may blossom with new life that can only come from You. Hold me down that I may not wander from the path on which You daily walk! Please Jesus Tread on Me today! Amen."

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