Monday, May 27, 2013

What You Don’t Know!

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The Sadducees did not believe that people would rise to life after death. So some of them came to Jesus and said:

Teacher, Moses wrote that if a married man dies and has no children, his brother should marry the widow. Their first son would then be thought of as the son of the dead brother. There were once seven brothers. The first one married, but died without having any children. The second brother married his brother's widow, and he also died without having children. The same thing happened to the third brother, and finally to all seven brothers. At last the woman died. When God raises people from death, whose wife will this woman be? After all, she had been married to all seven brothers.

Jesus answered:

You are completely wrong! You don't know what the Scriptures teach. And you don't know anything about the power of God. When God raises people to life, they won't marry. They will be like the angels in heaven.

Mark 12:18-25

This was a stinging rebuke that Jesus gave to the Sadducees. They certainly took pride in knowing the Bible. In fact, they must have believed that they knew what the Scriptures teach better than anyone else.

And what religious person would not take offense when they are told that they don't know anything about the power of God?

Without the controversy of a confrontation with Jesus, I would like to ask myself, and you if you are willing to entertain the questions, do I know what the Bible teaches and, do I know anything about the power of God?

There is a famous piece of legislation in the United States that was signed into law without being read by most of those who endorsed the bill. Have you "signed on" to become a follower of Jesus without knowing what the Bible says that means?

And when it comes to the power of God, have you only heard about it, or have you heard the mighty wind of God's Spirit moving in power around and through your life?
Don't be a Sadducee today. Know what the Bible says and let His power loose in your life to bring Him glory forever.

"Lord Jesus, show me today more of what the Scriptures say and what Your power means in my life. Amen."

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