Monday, January 13, 2014

Like a Raging Flood!


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I am the Lord All-Powerful, the God of Israel. You saw how I destroyed Jerusalem and the towns of Judah. They lie empty and in ruins today, because the people of Judah made me angry by worshiping gods that had never helped them or their ancestors.

Time after time I sent my servants the prophets to tell the people of Judah how much I hated their disgusting sins. The prophets warned them to stop sinning, but they refused to listen and would not stop worshiping other gods. Finally, my anger struck like a raging flood, and today Jerusalem and the towns of Judah are nothing but empty ruins.

Why do you now insist on heading for another disaster? A disaster that will destroy not only you, but also your children and babies.

Jeremiah 44:2-7

I remember a time when the Bible was the standard for all moral behavior in the United States. Many people did not live up to that standard, but as a society we agreed with the Bible about the definition of sin!

But things have changed and changed drastically. Now pointing out the sins of the Bible is the greatest sin of all. We refuse to even listen to the judgments of God pronounced in His Word about specific sins. We have "legalized" sin and made it "illegal" to speak out against those things that God finds disgusting.

The fatal mistake that we are making today is to believe that God doesn't get angry anymore. We pretend that "God doesn't care" when we blatantly contradict everything good and right and just that He has proclaimed in the Bible.

There are still consequences for sin in this world and those consequences are no respecters of persons or nations.

"Lord Jesus, forgive me for refusing to take Your Word seriously. I confess that I have like so many others listened to the world say that You are wrong about sin! Help me today to repent and stand again in the bright light of Your Word. May Your Name be praised forever. Amen."

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