Wednesday, January 22, 2014

The Holy Spirit and Prayer!

In certain ways we are weak, but the Spirit is here to help us. For example, when we don't know what to pray for, the Spirit prays for us in ways that cannot be put into words.  All of our thoughts are known to God. He can understand what is in the mind of the Spirit, as the Spirit prays for God's people. 
Romans 8:26-27

As a human being, knowing what to pray for is sometimes very hard. If I could see the future and know tomorrow like I know yesterday perhaps it would be easier to bring requests to God who knows it all. In my frustration it becomes easier to simply pray "Your will be done" than to bring a specific request to the Father. But once again the Holy Spirit comes to help!

I stand before God like a helpless child not knowing what request I need to make. Then the Holy Spirit brings to God the perfect request. The Holy Spirit who lives in me and knows every part of my body, soul and spirit along with the future brings requests to God on my behalf. So when I pray "Lord strengthen me today" the Holy Spirit lists a thousand ways that God might do that for my eternal benefit!

When I pray for God's blessing on you the Holy Spirit translates that request into specifics that I could never know! That is how the simple prayer of a child of God roars through eternity with the power of the Holy Spirit expanding to infinity the impact of that prayer!

When you learn to pray in league with the Holy Spirit the power of God is unleashed in ways you might never have imagined. You are no longer surprised at miraculous answers to prayer. And you even see the power of God working in ways that you didn't ask for but were in response to your prayers with the help of the Holy Spirit!

"Lord Jesus I don't know what to pray for today, but I come to You knowing that the Holy Spirit is bringing to You my real needs and more detailed requests for others than I could ever imagine! Lord teach me to pray! Praise Your name forever! Amen."

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