Friday, March 16, 2012

Defeat the Beast!

Listen to this blog.

Then I saw something that looked like a glass sea mixed with fire, and people were standing on it. They were the ones who had defeated the beast and the idol and the number that tells the name of the beast. God had given them harps, and they were singing the song his servant Moses and the Lamb had sung.

They were singing,
“Lord God All-Powerful,
you have done great
and marvelous things.
You are the ruler
of all nations,
and you do what is
right and fair.

Revelation 15:2-3

The Beast, the Anti-Christ, 666 are all predicted in the Bible and for more than fifty years I have resigned myself to that fact and waited to ride out the storm if I was alive when they appeared. But then this morning I saw Revelation 15:2 which describes the "people" who defeated "the beast and the idol and the number that tells the name of the beast."

I think that means that instead of simply going in to survival mode we need to be preparing for the battle and for the victory celebration.

How do you fight evil? Not with guns and bombs and weapons made by men. The fight against evil in every place is waged with the Love of Christ! When the love of Christ comes forth from your heart and touches everyone you meet it spreads with contagious speed.

"Lord let me be one of those who will stand on the glass sea mixed with fire because I took part in the battle that defeated the beast! Amen."

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