Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Gatekeeper of My Heart!

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The earth and everything on it
belong to the Lord.
The world and its people
belong to him.

The Lord placed it all
on the oceans and rivers.

Who may climb the Lord’s hill
or stand in his holy temple?
Only those who do right
for the right reasons,
and don’t worship idols
or tell lies under oath.

The Lord God, who saves them,
will bless and reward them,
because they worship and serve
the God of Jacob.
Open the ancient gates,
so that the glorious king
may come in.

Who is this glorious king?
He is our Lord, a strong
and mighty warrior.

Open the ancient gates,
so that the glorious king
may come in.

Who is this glorious king?
He is our Lord,
the All-Powerful!

Psalm 24:1-10

I am the gatekeeper of my heart! Every thought that crosses my mind as well as every image that enters through my eyes or word that comes to my ears can be escorted into my heart or turned away. I only have limited ability to control what I see, hear, or even think, but I have total control over what I let into my heart!

The spiritual man is not the one who lives his life so that he is never exposed to the world and its temptations. The spiritual man is the one who is the gatekeeper of his own heart and opens that heart to the Lord Jesus and closes it to everyone and everything else!

Amazingly most Christians spend more time and energy focusing on how to keep the world out than on how to let Jesus in! When Jesus does not fill up your heart there is a strong vacuum that sucks the the world around you and it's corruption into your life. But when Jesus fills every corner of your heart it is easy to deny the world when it comes near and wants in.

Certainly, it is a good thing to limit the corruption of this world to which you are exposed, but it is a better thing to practice, daily and even every second the art of being the gatekeeper of your heart. Don't let the world in.

But when you let Jesus into your heart the devil must flee and there is no place for the world or it's pollution. Jesus wants to fill up every part of your heart and He wants to stay there and be in control of your life!

"Lord Jesus, help me today to close my heart to the world and open the gate of my heart wide to You. And may You be praised forever! Amen."

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