Friday, November 22, 2013

Perfection Not Possible!

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Our Lord, you bless everyone

whose sins you forgive

and wipe away.


You bless them by saying,

“You told me your sins,

without trying to hide them,

and now I forgive you.”


Before I confessed my sins,

my bones felt limp,

and I groaned all day long.


Night and day your hand

weighed heavily on me,

and my strength was gone

as in the summer heat.


So I confessed my sins

and told them all to you.

I said, “I'll tell the Lord

each one of my sins.”

Then you forgave me

and took away my guilt.


We worship you, Lord,

and we should always pray

whenever we find out

that we have sinned.

Then we won't be swept away

by a raging flood.


You are my hiding place!

You protect me from trouble,

and you put songs in my heart

because you have saved me.


You said to me,

“I will point out the road

that you should follow.

I will be your teacher

and watch over you.


Don't be stupid

like horses and mules

that must be led with ropes

to make them obey.”


All kinds of troubles

will strike the wicked,

but your kindness shields those

who trust you, Lord.


And so your good people

should celebrate and shout.

Psalm 32

The world is full of broken relationships. Husbands and wives sin against each other and parents sin against their children. Rebellious children sin against their parents and the bond of birth is torn apart. The fundamental broken relationship is the fellowship of man and God. It fell apart in the Garden of Eden and remained severed until Jesus died on the Cross.

When a man or woman comes to Jesus "sorrowfully" confessing sins, that sorrow may be born of pride in believing they could have achieved perfection without Jesus. That expectation of perfection must be abandoned if we are to know the full work of Jesus in our lives. If we live our lives holding out the prospect that maybe we will be the first one to live a perfect life without Jesus then we are missing the truth of the "fall of man" and the purpose of the Cross of Christ!

The entire "world system" run by Satan is dedicated to the proposition that you can live a perfect life without Jesus. And so untold millions try and fail over and over again hoping that one day they will "get it right" and rise to the level of a perfect life!

So when you confess your sins to Jesus, do it with joy! Don't hold on to the false pride of believing you could have lived a perfect life without Jesus if you had only tried a little harder.

No one wakes up in the recovery room after major surgery sorrowful because they could have gotten well without the doctor if they had only tried a little harder! They always wake up with joy when they hear that the operation was a complete success!

The Great Physician never loses a patient! No one ever dies on God's operating table!

"Lord Jesus, forgive me of the pride of believing that I could have lived a perfect life without Your sacrifice. You know that I am a sinner, in need of Your sacrifice. Thank You Jesus for paying the price for every one of my sins! May You be praised forever. Amen."

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