Monday, February 10, 2014

God Made Me!

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The Lord has said:

“These people praise me

with their words,

but they never really

think about me.

They worship me by repeating

rules made up by humans.


So once again I will do things

that shock and amaze them,

and I will destroy the wisdom

of those who claim to know

and understand.”


You are in for trouble,

if you try to hide your plans

from the Lord!

Or if you think what you do

in the dark can't be seen.


You have it all backwards.

A clay dish doesn't say

to the potter,

“You didn't make me.

You don't even know how.”

Isaiah 29:13-16

Today there are millions of people who fight against God by claiming that He doesn't exist. They lift their voices high to the heavens and declare that God did not make them! They suppose that their existence is the result of some great cosmic accident which can be blamed on no one! Truthfully, a small child can see the foolishness of such a proclamation!

Then there are those who praise God with their words but never really think about Him. More than anyone else, these folks deceive themselves. They say that they know and understand God, but they live by the wisdom of the world and not the precepts of God!

Some people believe God exists, but they "try to hide their plans from Him." They categorically reject the concept of "I am with you always." They want God around in case of an emergency, but they don't want God knowing what is going on in their hearts and in their lives.

"Lord Jesus, I confess to You and everyone else that You are the Potter and I am the clay. I so often forget that You made me according your own design and by Your will. Help me today to think about You. I can't hide my plans or anything else from You. And may You be praised forever. Amen."

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