Monday, August 17, 2009

In God I Trust!

In God, whose word I praise,
in the LORD, whose word I praise-
In God I trust; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?

Psalm 56:10-11

Well there it is. We have almost quoted a Bible verse on our money! If you haven’t looked lately it says “In God We Trust” on our money. So I suppose if we strictly wanted to separate Church and State we should withdraw all our money from the Government! Aren’t they promoting a religion when they spend our money with that inscription?

At this point I could get really political but a better purpose is served to look at what “Trusting God” would mean for our nation if we actually did it. If we really were trusting God we would search His Word for standards by which our nation would be governed. We would write the reality of God into every law not just our founding documents. And when we had a National Day of Prayer we would suspend everything else and pray!

Now of course we deny that God’s standards are written into our founding documents, we ban any reference to Him in our laws and we try to make the National Day of Prayer as minimal an event as possible.

If as a nation we no longer trust God, who or what do we trust? You see every nation and every man has a “god” in whom they trust. The question is who or what is your GOD? If you remove the God of the Bible from your heart or your country another one will take His place.

I think it was almost prophetic that we decided to put “In God We Trust” on our money, because we have replaced the “Almighty God” with the “Almighty Dollar.” Money itself and the stuff that it can buy has become our God.

The “In God We Trust” inscription on our money was a warning as much as a declaration. In essence it said, “We trust in God not in our money!” So there is the change for our nation. When the stock market crashed it was easy to that that we now trust in the god of money.

How has this change affected me? Like everyone else in our society I am continually bombarded with the message that money is to be trusted and God is not.

The Psalmist said it best:

In God I trust; I will not be afraid.
What can man do to me?

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