Saturday, August 15, 2009

Lost and Found!

I sought the LORD, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears.

Psalm 34:4

In the lobby of our church there was a box labeled “Lost and Found.” It was curious to see the unclaimed “stuff” that had been misplaced and never reclaimed. If I remember correctly, Bibles, toys, hats, sweaters and gloves seemed to be the most frequent items to enter the “I can live without that” category. The people who lost the items walked by the box every Sunday and yet never looked down to see if anything belonged to them.

Late last year I lost a pen. It was made of wood and crafted by a friend. I cherished the pen because every time I wrote with that pen I thought about my friend. Then one day I could not find it. I probably searched more places and more times for that pen than any other pen I have ever lost. But I did not find it. I still believe it must be somewhere in my office and I just have not yet looked under that pile of papers. But the pen is gone and I cannot find it.

When Adam and Eve ate of the forbidden fruit mankind lost fellowship with God. Before that monumental bite the first man and woman knew and walked with God in a way that no man or woman could ever do again without supernatural intervention. The communion of Created and Creator was lost and then found in the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Jesus came to put the pieces back together. He came to enable us to walk with God like Adam and Eve did before sin destroyed that communion.

Every day men and women walk by the Eternal “Lost and Found” box and ignore the greatest unclaimed item in the cosmos. Jesus recovered the relationship with God that we lost when Sin entered the world and put it in the Eternal “Lost and Found” box.

We can all live without the things in our Church’s lost and found box, but no one can live forever without fellowship with God!

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