Monday, August 24, 2009

Last Flight to Heaven!

If anyone's name was not found written in the book of life, he was thrown into the lake of fire.

Revelation 20:15

You know you are old if someone asks how you are doing and you respond with: “I read the obituaries and didn’t see my name so I guess I’m OK.”

Have you ever seen your name in a book? I did once. It was a short autobiography by a good friend’s father. Beyond that I don’t think I’ve ever seen my name incorporated in someone’s published work. And frankly, life seems to be much simpler if no one ever mentions your name in print. It really doesn’t matter whether or not your name is written in any book with one giant exception. That exception is a book called The Book of Life.

Revelation 20:15 plainly says that if your name does not appear in that book then you will be thrown into the lake of fire! In other words, you go to Hell!

So the bottom line for each of us is this: Will your name be found in The Book of Life? If not, then nothing else matters. “But Lord, I know my name is not in the Book, however I did a lot of great, well good things. And, you really are a loving God so can you make just one exception?”

Well, you see everyone that goes to Heaven is an exception. Your name is not written in the Book because of the great or even good things you have done. Nothing you have ever done or could do would qualify you for that status. Your name is in the Book because you have turned away from your sin and accepted Jesus Christ as the Lord of your life! When Jesus takes over my life He writes my name in the Book of Life.

Think about this for a while. When Jesus, the author of life itself, takes pen in hand and writes my name in His Book with His blood instead of ink, He gives me a seat on the LAST FLIGHT TO HEAVEN!

Listen up, I think I just heard the boarding call!

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